

I got tagged by Shannon..

7 random facts about me,
  1. My favorite tea is Yorkshire in the Orange box.
  2. the smell of coffee makes me sick to my stomach.
  3. I LOVE dark chocolate!
  4. I pre-oredered Harry Potter!
  5. my fave authors are Stephen King and Morgan Llewelyn
  6. I need a "new" car that I can fit all of my kids in.
  7. I really enjoy going for walks in my neighborhood.

7 blogs I read

  1. yarn harlot
  2. crazy aunt purl
  3. post secret
  4. indigirl
  5. I'm knitting as fast as I can
  6. wendy knits (don't you just LOVE Lucy???)
  7. Marnie Talks

and tag 7 other bloggers...

  1. VeganHeartDoc
  2. Diane
  3. Cynthia
  4. Deb (Ha Ha Ha!)
  5. Christine
  6. You
  7. You too!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for playing along. I also LOVE dark chocolate!

